


⌨️ Work

  • Currently, I’m working as a full-time Data Analyst in the research sector, handling data analysis tasks for international clients.
  • Previously, I worked as a:
    • Software Developer for 5+ years
    • SysAdmin for 2 years

🎓 Education

  • 2015 - 2017: Studied Electronics and Communication Engineering for 2 years;
  • 2018: Completed the CS50x MOOC and decided then to shift to Computer Science;
  • 2023: Earned a B.Sc. Degree in CS;
  • Currently, I’m doing my Master’s in AI.

🛠️ Tools

I am a technology-agnostic person. I care more about achieving things efficiently according to the available resources. However, below are the tools that I’m familiar with:

Software Development ⌨️


  • Typescript


  • React.js + Next.js
  • Vue.js + Nuxt.js


  • Expo
  • React Query

Backend & DB

  • Node.js
  • PHP (Vanilla & Laravel)
  • Supabase
  • Strapi
  • Directus

Data 📊🤺

  • Python + Pandas + NumPy + Matplotlib + SciPy + Scikit Learn + Jupyter Notebook
  • R + Tidyverse + RStudio

AI 🤖


  • PyTorch (training and finetuning)
  • FastAPI (model inference)

LLMs and NLP

  • LangChain (building RAG systems)
  • HuggingFace Transformers
  • llama.cpp for running open-source LLMs
  • Managed models:
    • OpenAI
    • Groq (Llama, Mistral, etc.)

Computer Vision

  • OpenCV (bread and butter! 🍞)
  • HuggingFace Transformers
  • YOLO by Ultralytics (object detection/tracking)
  • SAM by Meta (image segmentation)
  • Roboflow for (images annotation)


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