My (Serious) Reading List to Learn AI/Data Science in 2024

My (Serious) Reading List to Learn AI/Data Science in 2024

June 10, 2024
Alert: This list is free of crash courses and shorcuts!
This is a curated list of books and MOOCs for anybody wants to have solid knowledge in AI and Data Science in 2024 seriously without shortcuts.
I assume that you have successfully passed at least undergraduate-level basic courses in computer science (e.g. have a Bachelor’s degree in CS) to go with the following materials smoothly.
Note: I spent some time working in data analysis recently so expect a lot of statistics content.

Scientific Computing

  1. Python for Data Analysis
  1. R for Data Science
  1. Computing with Data


Allen Downey’s books introduce statistics for programmers. I found them good in applying the theories of stats.
  1. Stanford CS109
  1. Harvard STAT110
  1. Practical Stats for Data Scientists by Bruce & Bruce
  1. Think Stats by Allen Downey
  1. Think Bayes by Allen Downey
  1. Statistical Rethinking by Richard McElreath: Advanced course in Bayesian data analysis, causality, and statistical modelling. It is taught by a non-mathematician in an intuitive way, explaining advanced and interdependent topics with a lot of analogies. The author offers the course in two formats, a book and lectures.
  1. Causal inference in statistics By Judea Pearl
  1. All of Statistics: Comprehensive reference
  1. Mathematics for Machine Learning: Assuming you have studied college calculus and algebra, this book is a great compilation for the math you need for ML
  1. Statistical Inference via Data Science: A ModernDive into R and the Tidyverse
  1. Bayesian Data Analysis course at Aalto (CS-E5710) by Aki Vehtari: Advanced material

Machine Learning

  1. Andrew Ng’s ML Specialization on Coursera: Your baby steps in ML
  1. An Introduction to Statistical Learning: Essential ML book. Full of examples and applications.
  1. Stanford CS229: Good lectures on the theoretical ML
  1. Hands-on machine learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow: Practical approach to learn ML. Good after having the theory.
  1. The Elements of Statistical Learning: Advanced material

Deep Learning

  1. Understanding Deep Learning: I’m lucky to be in 2024 and read this book! It is a good shelter in the concurrent deep learning storms!
  1. PyTorch course by Daniel Bourke
  1. Andrej Karpathy Tutorials


  1. Introduction to Information Retrieval: Good starting point in NLP. This classic is authored by Christopher Manning et al.
  1. CMU Advanced NLP 2024 by Graham Neubig: Lectures are on YouTube and exercises on Github
  1. Hugging Face’s NLP Course
  1. Andrej Karpathy Tutorials for building/hacking LLMs from scratch!
  1. Speech and Language Processing by Jurafsky: Comprehensive theoretical reference

Computer Vision

  1. Stanford CS231
  1. Deep Learning for Vision Systems by Mohamed Elgendy

Reinforcement Learning

  1. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction by Sutton and Barto: Essential textbook. Can be used as a theoretical reference
  1. RL Course 2015 by David Silver by DeepMind x UCL
  1. Reinforcement learning by Phil Winder: supplemental material contains helpful code. Can be a good starting point, balanced between theory and practice.
  1. Deep Reinforcement Learning (CS 285) at UC Berkeley: Intensive course by a top voice in RL (lectures available on YouTube)
  1. Spinning up by OpenAI

MLOps - SWE for Data Intensive Apps

  1. Designing Data-Intensive Applications
  1. Made With ML
  1. Full Stack Deep Learning


  • Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals
  • Storytelling with Data: Let’s Practice
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